Deepika Parab

Deepika Parab
Online & Operations
It was a year since Mayuri had joined and things had picked up a little – although, not too much. I thought it would be good to get someone in to work alongside her. Not so much due to an increase in work load, but more so for team building, with the thought of integrating someone in at this early stage so that when (if) business grew, we’d have adequate people.
Mayuri knew Deepika as she’d joined her previous company as a trainee a few months before Mayuri left. She spoke with her and convinced her to make the change. Deepika was 21, and started out with Mayuri in accounts. With no dramatic increase in invoicing, she was more involved with filing, organising, and offering back-office support.
Across a span of two years, Mayuri made a lot of effort in guiding Deepika, trying to integrate her into work. Sparks flew, and arguments were plenty. As time went by and a few more people joined us, I decided to pull Deepika out of accounts, and involve her with our online efforts.
Deepika was a rebel, she had a raging anger brewing inside, she found it difficult to work within a team, she was moody, she’d turn up to work with swollen eyes – a clear indication of her being up all night, she’d snap back at anyone who’d say anything to her, even if they meant well. I saw a lot of myself in her.
Deepika now manages our online efforts. She is exceptional with organizing our data, and is involved in multiple operational and sales oriented areas. Her journey at Unived has not been plain sailing, she’s also had some difficult experiences in her personal life. Today, all of us are proud of her development, her ability to work through challenges, and her growing professionalism. Well done, Deepika!
My Story
Back during my schooldays in Dubai, I was the mischievous student. My report cards were full of red marks, and I was weaker in studies as compared with my siblings. I have a twin sister, and had a younger sister. Somehow, I managed to pass my exams with average grades, barely scraping through. I was sporty and excelled in sports, relay and gymnastic were my favourite. I hated studies with a passion, and this led me to failing my 4th standard exams, and having to repeat the year – which put me a year behind my twin sister. This was my first failure that taught me a lesson for a lifetime to remember.
After passing out my 4th standard, I moved to India and continued my schooling here. My life had now changed completely, everything was different. My school in Bombay had the extra regional language of Marathi, which was a compulsory subject. I didn’t know Marathi and wanted to opt for Arabic, but the school didn’t permit me, and of course I failed my first semester. With no choice, I forced my cousins to teach me Marathi and finally cleared my exams. I understood that failure was just the start of a new learning experience.
As years passed, I experienced various challenges in my life. I was faced with no option other than trying to overcome these, and I now realise that this has made me a stronger and more responsible person.
I joined Unived at the age of 21, on 21st October 2013, I was a fresher and was excited, yet shy. Initially, I doubted my abilities, and was always unsure about the quality of my work. As years passed, I began feeling less of an employee and more as though I was part of a family. At Unived, my seniors have always helped me and guided me through every situation, be it good, bad, or ugly. And yes, there have been many ugly situations.
Unived’s culture has given me the opportunity to release my anger, to express my ideas, and to learn skills and concepts that were completely alien to me. I am fortunate to be part of this family, and to call Unived my home.
Deepika Parab
Joined – 21st October, 2013.